Support ARTRAISE to give artists Free Range!
Written By Cassandra Jordan 11 Aug, 2022In 2022, ARTRAGE is looking to new horizons and we have launched our inaugural Annual Appeal to help kick-start our next chapter.
We want to create unique platforms for creative collaborations, with the aim of generating additional year-round opportunities for West Australian artists.
ARTRAGE is inviting our incredible community to donate and champion new West Australian work created through Free Range.
Free Range aims to take artists out of the theatre and into unconventional spaces, showcasing Perth artists and locations like never before.

Support Free Range and be a part of ARTRAISE today:
- Crowd Warmers: Support of $200 will allow artists to build their knowledge nest by attending workshops or sessions to up-skill their craft.
- Chorus: Support of $500 will fund a rehearsal space for Artists to roam free, experiment and test their creations.
- Hosts: Support of $1000 will allow Artists to break free from every day life for a week of full-time research and development.
- Features: Support of $2,500 will let artists spread their wings in funded rehearsals. Learning every step, hop and jump to perfect their project.
- Openers: Support of $5,000 will enable a mentor to attach to a project, guiding, supporting and incubating local talent.
- Headliners: Support of $10,000 will support the development of an entire project made by WA Artists from idea to fruition! Hatching fresh ideas.
All donations made before September 30 will be thanked on the ARTRAGE Facebook page.